Saturday, January 2, 2016

Late Evening

Late Evening, Watercolor, 6" x 8"

This is a plein air painting I did as a series of three. One evening while in Southern Utah, I painted three small painting in succession. I started before the sun was going down and painted three paintings as the sun fell. This is the final painting in that series. It was really fun and interesting to see how the values and colors changed as the sunset. It was neat to see how much more intense the rock wall got as the sun was falling.


  1. I was near Zion National park last September staying in the town and was fascinated with the giant red walls that flanked the one side of town. I'm from Delaware, that has pretty much zero topography so it's cool to see.
    The power lines through town made it hard for me to make a photo I liked, but, I certainly loved the colors and just experiencing being alive in such a place. What a gift.

  2. Thanks for the comment Dave!! I love Zion. Definitely one of my favorite places in the world...well what I have seen. I am so glad that you enjoyed it. Yes, it might be hard to get a shot through telephone poles. That is my I like painting, I think it would be really hard to get the right shot. :) I am not that patient.
