Thursday, December 31, 2015

Early Evening

Early Evening, Watercolor, 6" x 8"

This is a plein air painting I did as a series of three. One evening while in Southern Utah, I painted three small painting in succession. I started before the sun was going down and painted three paintings as the sun fell. This was the middle painting I did and probably my favorite of the three. I will be posting the other two soon. It was really fun and interesting to see how the values and colors changed as the sunset. Something I knew already, but it was good to try and capture that.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mid Evening

Mid Evening, Watercolor, 6" x 8"

This is a plein air painting I did as a series of three. One evening while in Southern Utah, I painted three small painting in succession. I started before the sun was going down and painted three paintings as the sun fell. This was the middle painting I did and probably my favorite of the three. I will be posting the other two soon. It was really fun and interesting to see how the values and colors changed as the sunset. Something I knew already, but it was good to try and capture that.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Stacked Up

Stacked Up, Oil on Gessobord, 6" x 8"

Playing with more still life set-ups in oil. This was fun to paint with all the white. I have seen other paintings with a lot of white and I like them, so I thought I would try it. My next goal is to try something similar in watercolor.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Goldie, Oil on Gessoed Board, 6" x 6"

Click Here to Buy - $100

This is my first Chicken Portrait in oil... I just set up my easel near the chicken yard. They are really entertaining to try and paint. They don't exactly stay still, but they are so curious about what I am doing that they stay near by. It is hard to pick out which is which, but I am pretty sure this one is Goldie.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Frozen Orchard

Frozen Orchard - Oil on Gessobord, 6" x 6"


This was a fun and frozen day of plein air painting at my in-law's farm. I found that it is much easier to paint plein air in oil than watercolor, when it is cold. I have painted with watercolor in cold weather and it is like painting with slush. Also, it never dries, at least not in the East. So, I am excited for more plein air oil painting this winter.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Holiday Home

Holiday Home - Oil on Canvas Panel - 6" x 8"


This Thanksgiving weekend at the family property at the Lake, I couldn't help myself but paint and take photos of the amazing warm autumn light. The sun was so low in the sky all day that it didn't move too fast and that made this scene really fun to paint. The shadows didn't seem to change as much as usual. This yellow house just seemed to glow with an amazing warm light.

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections - Oil on Panel - 6" x 6"


When the sun is behind the clouds, I find that water is still a wonderful thing to paint because you can find contrast. So, on this day, I looked down. I found this wonderful small pool with the fallen leaves littered about and the stark tree reflections. It was really fun to paint!

Fresh Lake Air

Fresh Lake Air - Oil on Canvas Panels - 6" x 6"

An oil plein air painting from this Thanksgiving weekend at the Lake. What really struck me about this scene was the reflected light from the lake onto the side of the house. It really seemed to shine even though it was the shadow side of the house. Effects like this are what make painting on location so important. Also, it was fun to paint during the Holiday!